Layered Collage with Running Stitch Workshop

Layered Collage with Running Stitch Workshop


Layered Collage with Running Stitch Workshop

Drawing inspiration from the tradition and history of Kantha quilts, participants in this workshop will create hand stitched small (~12” square) layered fabric collages with textile scraps. The time spent stitching will provide participants with a platform for engaging in discussions about textile waste and reuse, ownership, authenticity, and the important role of slow practices in a life which is conscious, purposeful, patient, and intentional. 

Artist and instructor Hadley Clark will demonstrate her own approach to collage both creatively and functionally in her studio, and will provide participants with basic instruction about layering and connecting textile remnants with the running stitch central to Kantha quilts. This workshop will include identification of woven textiles versus knit textiles, discussion about basic design elements such as composition, color, and texture, and ongoing creative direction and functional instruction. This is a workshop open to sewists of all skill levels.

Participants will be provided with textile remnants, one hand sewing needle, and white Sashiko thread. You are also welcome to bring your own supplies like textile remnants and embroidery floss, thimbles, etc.

*This class will be held at Inner Space Yoga and we will be sitting on the floor for the entire class.

Please come to connect, slow down bring a friend, make a new one. All are welcome!

What sewing can do for your health:

STRESS RELIEF: Sewing encourages mindfulness and reduces stress and anxiety. The meditative action of sewing encourages positivity and feelings of relaxation. Concentration on one particular task allows a person to become immersed—leaving other worries behind—and to experience a true sense of peace. 

HAPPINESS: Physical activity stimulates the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These three chemicals play an important role in the regulation of your mood.   

BRAIN GROWTH: Creative activities such as sewing promote new connections between neurons in the brain, effectively combating mental deterioration.


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